Günter Rücker

Günter Rücker
Managing Partner
Holds a Dipl.-Ing. (certified engineer) degree in electrical engineering
Rücker + Schindele Beratende Ingenieure GmbH
Kapellenweg 6
81371 München
Phone +49 89 7677693-21

A pas­si­on for con­sul­ting and en­gi­nee­ring ex­per­ti­se com­bi­ned with en­thu­si­asm for good ideas are the key to the suc­cess of any pro­ject.



Born in 1967

1992 Gra­dua­ted from the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­nich with a Dipl.-Ing. (cer­ti­fied en­gi­neer) de­gree in elec­tri­cal en­gi­nee­ring; focus on ener­gy tech­no­lo­gy and au­to­ma­ti­on

1993 to 1995 Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­nich, State In­sti­tu­te for Agri­cul­tu­ral En­gi­nee­ring, Frei­sing-Wei­hen­ste­phan

1995 to 1997 ILF Con­sul­ting En­gi­neers, Mu­nich

1997 to 2000 Duschl In­ge­nieu­re, Ro­sen­heim

2000 Foun­ded Rücker + Schin­de­le

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