Herwig Angst

Herwig Angst
Senior Consultant
Rücker + Schindele Beratende Ingenieure GmbH
Kapellenweg 6
81371 München

Her­wig Angst has been sup­por­ting pro­duct de­ve­lop­ment with sys­tems en­gi­nee­ring pro­ces­ses and me­thods as a con­sul­tant and coach for years. He also ac­com­pa­nies the stra­t­egy and rol­lout of com­pa­ny-wide trans­for­ma­ti­on pro­grams. As a trai­ner he can ide­al­ly con­vey his com­pre­hen­si­ve sys­tems en­gi­nee­ring know-how in theo­ry and prac­ti­ce as well as the in­tro­duc­ti­on to model-based sys­tems en­gi­nee­ring (MBSE).

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